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The Sanctuaries

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the life of others, or strikes out against injustice, he or she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest of walls of oppression and resistance."

Robert Kennedy 

Founded in 1989 Animal Place is one of the oldest and largest sanctuaries for farmed animals in the country. Nestled on 600-acres in Grass Valley, CA, Animal Place provides refuge to hundreds of neglected farmed animals. In addition to permanent sanctuary, Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch is a 60-acre adoption center, placing needy farmed animals into permanent homes.

Sanctuary is important work, but Animal Place strives to create meaningful change for farmed animals through advocacy and education. Thousands of visitors flock to the sanctuary each year to learn more about the animals and farming. Volunteer classes introduce folks to the more intense ways people can help. Internships are also available.

We invite you to put your compassion into action by becoming vegan, volunteering, interning, donating, adopting, or rescuing!

Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary was founded in November of 2014 by two middle school teachers who wanted to pair their love of animals and their concern for students to create a more compassionate world. By partnering children and adults who have suffered loss, trauma, neglect, or loneliness with animals who have experienced the same, magic is sparked. Friendships born between humans and animals encourage people to think of them as individuals with feelings and personalities, and the empathy born from these relationships creates kindness and goodwill toward all creatures and all people, something this world could use a great deal more of.

When you look an animal in the eye and really see them, it changes your life. And if you take action, it can change their life too. That is the understanding that led the Chatham Animal Haven to begin our young journey into being- the birth of a safe haven for abused, neglected or surrendered farm animals in need of sanctuary. 


Chatham Animal Haven started with two friends who share a passion for animals and in 2015 we realized our dream to open a sanctuary that now serves as a safe and loving home to Nancy Willa Jean, Oscar, Nico and Flo. They have names. They have souls. They matter.  We will give loving care and advocate for them and all the animals that may find their way to the Haven and work toward a day that sanctuaries like ours will no longer be needed.


Farm Sanctuary was founded in 1986 to combat the abuses of factory farming and encourage a new awareness and understanding about farm animals. Today, Farm Sanctuary is the nation’s largest and most effective farm animal rescue and protection organization. We have rescued thousands of animals and cared for them at our sanctuaries in Watkins Glen, New York; Northern California (Orland); and the Los Angeles area. At Farm Sanctuary, these animals are our friends, not our food. We educate millions of people about their plight and the effects of factory farming on our health and environment. We advocate for laws and policies to prevent suffering and promote compassion, and we reach out to legislators and businesses to bring about institutional reforms.

Farm Sanctuary is committed to ending cruelty to farm animals and promoting compassionate vegan living through rescue, education, and advocacy efforts. Please join us. A compassionate world begins with you!

Our mission is to provide life-long care for our rescued animals, and to educate the public about humane animal care and practices. We rehabilitate, both physically and psychologically, mistreated animals and, if possible, we will find appropriate homes for them. In an effort to prevent further cruelty to these animals, we educate the public on caring for companion animals as well as on issues concerning farmed animals.

Harvest Home is an official sanctuary for House Rabbit Society, based in Richmond, CA. Nestled in fertile farmland in California’s San Joaquin Valley, our two-acre rescue and rehabilitation sanctuary is home to over a dozen unique animal species. Our life-saving animal protection efforts are focused primarily on rabbits and birds.

The Gentle Barn started on a half-acre property in the middle of the San Fernando Valley, CA. In 2003 Ellie and Jay moved The Gentle Barn moved to a six-acre paradise in Santa Clarita, CA. The property is complete with large horse and cow pastures, a red and white barnyard for the smaller animals, an organic vegetable garden, lots of shade trees, and a panoramic view of gorgeous mountains. Our over one hundred and seventy rescued animals are safe and happy at The Gentle Barn, and there is plenty of room to welcome our visitors and the children we host. The ultimate goal is to open Gentle Barn's across the country so that every animal and child can have a place of healing and safety and where they can be seen for the perfect beings that they are. Since its inception, The Gentle Barn has been home to hundreds of animals and host to over 400,000 people.

The mission of Green Acres Farm Sanctuary is the prevention of cruelty to, and the commercialization of animals, especially farmed animals. We put this mission into action by providing shelter, care and board to abused, abandoned, and unwanted farm animals. We look to inspire change through creating a place where members of the public can have positive interaction with farm animals by providing for their care and the animals can, in turn, educate them about the abusive use of farmed animals.


Hooves, Hope and Love, Inc. is a unique and special place in San Diego County, CA. We are dedicated to caring for homeless farm animals, and celebrating the bond between people and farm animals.  We created Hooves, Hope and Love to provide a safe, peaceful environment where all God’s creatures, human and farm animals alike, could come together to heal, grow, and have fun. It is our hope and prayer that people who encounter our animals will understand the great love God has for them, as well as the animals He created, and people will be inspired to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit farm animal sanctuary nestled in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Our mission is to rescue neglected pigs, goats, sheep, and poultry. These animals have been surrendered at local animal shelters, confiscated by local humane agents, or saved from factory farms. They now live out their lives with comfortable housing, nutritious food, and companionship from others of their own kind. They also receive endless love and affection from the human components of the sanctuary!

Hope Haven is also a resource to raise public awareness about the plight of animals raised for food. Rather than focusing on the horrors and cruelty inherent in factory farming we want to showcase the individuality and personality of farm animals. Our hope is that when people realize these animals are sentient beings deserving of compassion they will make up their own minds to respect life and adopt a cruelty-free lifestyle.

At Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary we believe that every individual has the right to freedom. Freedom from pain, freedom from fear, and freedom from oppression. We provide those with the most heartbreaking stories hope and the promise of the freedom to be themselves. A promise of companionship, of love, and of care. Our sanctuary is home to 180 non-human animals who have seen the very worst of humanity and every day they amaze us with their profound abilities to love and to be loved, even after the tragedies they have endured. Our goal is to share their stories with the community and bring about positive change in the way they are viewed by society.


By fostering beautiful, meaningful bonds between people and the animals they may see as "food" or as "things" we are changing the future for the individuals who mean so much to us.  People who visit and volunteer at the sanctuary often comment on the unique sense of peace they feel when being here. All of our residents cohabitate peacefully and have strong friendships with one another. They know they are safe and loved. We like to call it a kind of magic created by love, trust, and understanding.

At Pasado’s Safe Haven, we envision a world where every animal is recognized as an individual who has the right to live free from abuse, abandonment, neglect and exploitation.  Whether a cow, a dog, a cat, a chicken, a pig, a turkey – or a donkey –, these animals are all sentient beings who can feel fear and pain and crave love, comfort and safety.

Day after day, we hear stories of sweet, trusting animals being tortured, beaten, tossed aside, and forgotten. Inspired by the desire to right Pasado’s injustice, we take on their cases, one by one. We fight for them.

What keeps us going? Remembering what happened to Pasado that fateful night. We are willing to work around the clock to ensure that no other innocent animal has to suffer such a tragic end. We owe it to Pasado and to all the animals who cannot speak for themselves.  We hope you will join us.

Pigs Peace Sanctuary is a place of tranquility and happiness located one hour north of Seattle in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

The sanctuary sits on 39 acres of meadow and forestland with ponds and trails. Excursions into the woods are enjoyed daily, sometimes by groups of pigs on social outings and also by individual pigs exploring.

Pigs Peace Sanctuary is a premiere facility helping animals and educating people since 1994. We specialize in the lives of pigs but we also have welcomed other animals in need and are currently home to ponies, horses, llamas, dogs, cats, chickens, sheep and turkeys. 100% of donations go towards the care of the animals who call the sanctuary home.

Precious Life Animal Sanctuary was founded in September 1999 by Ralph & Caryl Turner. The founders have been actively involved in local, state and national animal protection issues their entire adult lives. For a number of years, they have rescued Great Pyrenees dogs from New Mexico, a puppy mill in Kansas, and local western Washington humane societies. They have also rescued and provided care for large numbers of spayed and neutered feral cats.

A couple of significant rescues started them on the path to rescuing farm animals. One involved a three-week old dairy calf from the local state fair petting zoo that was headed for the auction and certain slaughter and the other was a downer calf that was to be slaughtered at a local meat processing plant.

Witnessing such suffering and misery, they felt it was imperative to establish a sanctuary to give back to all the animals who had touched their lives and provided so much happiness and inspiration throughout the years.

The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats was founded by Carol and Julian Pearce, award winning goat cheese makers who, in 2015, decided to give it all up and go vegan. It wasn’t a decision that was made overnight.  Since the day they met while saving sick calves, to their life in England where Carol was known to kidnap another farmer’s animals to save them from slaughter, to their own Southern California goat farm with a strict no kill policy, it has always been about the animals.


They’ve been rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected goats, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, ducks and dogs for years, saving many from being euthanized.  Now those rescued animals live side by side with former dairy goats as they all live out their happy lives. The Sanctuary at Soledad Goats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization funded by donations from supporters like you. In addition, proceeds from the sale of the new vegan cheese go to The Sanctuary.

Promoting compassion. Inspiring change.

Located on 98 acres in Newberg Oregon, Wildwood Farm Sanctuary is a haven for farm animals and wildlife alike. We provide live-long refuge and rehabilitation for abused and abandoned farm animals.

Through our mission and the lives of our beloved residents in this special place, we aspire to inspire! Our greatest hope is to help open eyes and reshape the way humans view and treat farm animals by considering a compassionate and cruelty-free way of living.

Surrounded by the Catskill Mountains and founded in the town made famous for peace and music, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary provides shelter to cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, sheep, goats, and rabbits who have been rescued from cases of abuse, neglect and abandonment.

We are a place where visitors can come face to face with the animals they may only know as dinner and learn about the devastating effects of modern-day agribusiness on the animals, the environment and human health. Here you can frolic with goats in a large open pasture, sit down with a pig who wants nothing more than a belly rub, cuddle with chickens who seek out your attention or get nuzzled by some very friendly sheep!

At the heart of our mission is the hands-on work of rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for farmed animal refugees — as well as educating the public about the typically horrific treatment of animals who are raised for food.

©2016 by Called to Rescue Film

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